
Media Library

Here you will find talks going back several years. Not just services, but Men's Breakfasts, Church Weekends, etc.

Please use the search box at the bottom of the page to find the talk you are looking for. Alternatively you can click on a highlighted name to find all sermons by that preacher, or a series title to find all sermons in that series. Clicking on the passage will open the Bible passage in a new window.

Search results for '"chris watts"'...

Select the first column to get to the recordings.

Sun 30th Oct 2022 10:30 Morning Meeting Philippians 2:19-30 AM Chris Watts
Sun 24th Jul 2022 18:00 Evening Meeting Psalm 49 PM Psalms for the Summer Chris Watts
Fri 15th Apr 2022 09:30 Morning Meeting Matthew 27:45-51a AM SJTW Easter 2022 Chris Watts
Sun 19th Apr 2020 10:30 Morning Meeting Matthew 28:16-20 See him in Jerusalem Jesus - authority and command Chris Watts
Sun 15th Dec 2019 18:00 Evening Meeting Matthew 25:31-46 Are you ready? Judgement at the End Chris Watts
Sun 08th Dec 2019 18:00 Evening Meeting Matthew 25:14-30 Are you ready? Work before the End Chris Watts
Sun 04th Aug 2019 18:00 Evening Meeting Psalm 124 The Lord's people are safe Chris Watts
Sun 10th Feb 2019 18:00 Evening Meeting Mark 5: 1-20 Life in the Son 'The Lord of Demons revealed' Chris Watts
Sun 05th Aug 2018 18:00 Evening Meeting John 9:1-41 PM 'I am the light of the world' Chris Watts
Sun 14th Aug 2016 18:00 Evening Meeting Matthew 13:24-43 PM Seeds, weeds and explosive growth Chris Watts
Sun 10th Aug 2014 18:00 Evening Meeting Acts 22:22-24:27 PM Battered, but battling on Chris Watts

Search media library...

Enter your search criteria into the box below, and then press enter. Use quotes (" ") for phrases.

recent - searches in the last few weeks
18:00 Nash recent - searches for recent sermons by Tom at the evening service
"Christ alone" - would get the talk with this title
Oct 2017 - would get all the services in that month
"1 John" - would get the sermon series on 1 John


Contact us

For more information, please do get in touch with the Church office on 01892 540897
