
Who's Who

Stephen Boon - Associate Vicar

Stephen can't remember a day when he wouldn't have called himself a Christian, and is grateful to have been taught about Jesus by his parents and a number of faithful churches - including St Nick's up the road in Sevenoaks. Having enjoyed being youth worker and curate at St John's for five years, and then a lecturer on the Cornhill Training Course in London for six years, he is now attempting to work for both organisations at once. He is married to Kirkley and they have one daughter, no pets, and many houseplants.

Ruth Bradshaw - Mummy & Me (toddler group)

Ruth became a Christian on a Girls Brigade camp at the age of 8, confessed to her mum that she loved Jesus more than her! A moment her mum treasured!! She knew from an early age that Jesus was her Saviour because of his death on the cross for her sins and she knows the importance for young children to learn about Jesus. Ruth, moved to Tunbridge Wells over 25 years ago with her husband, and settled very quickly in St John’s Church. They have 5 children. Wherever Ruth is, she can be found chatting to people especially while walking her beloved family dog in the local park. She loves talking about Jesus!

Jono Chalklin - Associate Minister for Youth

Jono grew up in Tunbridge Wells and is grateful for his Christian upbringing. He is thankful for the youth leaders and friends who patiently taught him about Jesus and why his death matters. Jono joined the staff team in 2016, having previously been Youth Worker at St Alban’s Church, Frant. Jono is married to Gemma and has two boys. Jono loves explaining to young people that the Bible was written so that we may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him we may have eternal life.

Toby Chiu - Accounts Administrator

Craig Hudson - Music Director

Craig grew up in Poole, Dorset, and through the witness of many faithful Christians gradually came to understand the amazing forgiveness for sins on offer through Jesus Christ's death. He studied maths and music at St John's College, Cambridge, and previously worked on the staff team at All Souls Church, Langham Place. As well as his responsibilities with the music, Craig is involved in the children's work at St John's. Outside of St John's he is busy as a music teacher, pianist and choral director. He particularly enjoys cricket, Formula 1 and board games.

Phil Jones - Operations Manager

Phil grew up in a Christian family and he is very grateful for parents who taught him about Jesus from an early age. However, it wasn’t until after university and a period of prolonged sickness that he really began to trust the Lord Jesus as his own personal Saviour. Phil is married to Kate and has two lovely daughters. He enjoys watching sci-fi and taking the dog for long walks in the Kent countryside.

Ann Keenan - Children's Ministry

Ann was brought up going to church and at 16 her brother took her to a Christian event where she committed to live her life God’s way, not her own. Ann has been involved in the children’s ministry for nearly 6 years. Previously, she led the women’s ministry at St John’s, was the development director of a mission agency, and a city lawyer in London and Tokyo. Ann met her husband Bruce at church in Tokyo and they have 2 teenagers and a cute cat. She loves singing and all things Japanese.

Roger Lumley - Seniors' Minister

Roger grew up in Tunbridge Wells where, as a boy, he put his trust in Jesus. Christian leadership began at school with the Senior Christian Union at Skinners’ and then the Goldsmiths’ College C.U. He spent his career as a primary school teacher and deputy-head. He has served in local free churches both as an elder and a musician, but his life-long calling has been to preach God’s word in churches around the area: a work he still treasures. As Seniors’ Minister at St John’s, he wants to encourage all its members to grow as disciples committed to taking the good news of Christ to others.

James McLearon - Daddy and Me (toddler group)

James was brought up to go to church, but realised at the age of 10 that he could have a personal relationship with God. He is involved with Daddy and Me at St John's, aware of how much his faith has helped in his role as a father. He met and married his wife Laura at St John's and has three children. He works during the week as a chartered surveyor and enjoys walking, DIY, gardening and playing the ukukele.

Tom Nash - Vicar

Tom is grateful to God he was born to parents who taught him of Jesus' death on the cross as his only hope of forgiveness and eternal life. He grew up going to church in London then Sevenoaks and although professing Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour as a teenager a youth leader pointed him to Romans 10:9 and this was hugely helpful for assurance and in encouraging him to live in line with the gospel. At university, Tom managed not only to pick up a degree or two but also an excellent wife. Tom has been married to Clare for longer than it feels and has a quiver full of three energetic and exhausting boys who keep him and Clare on their toes and on their knees. He loves all sport, most food, and infinitely more importantly loves telling anyone who will listen about Jesus Christ.

Helen Stone - Church & HR Administrator

Growing up in Pembury, Helen was invited along to the youth group at Pembury Baptist Church. She then began attending Sunday school and learning about the grace of Jesus Christ, as he died for her sins on the cross. Helen went on to study in London and grew in her faith as she studied God's word during student bible studies. Helen is married to Nathan and they have a one year old daughter named Naomi. Helen enjoys watching films, reading fiction books and eating good food.

Lucy Warriner - Admin Assistant

Lucy had the privilege of being brought up in a Christian family and was introduced to the Bible and the gospel from a young age. However, it wasn't until her early teens that she became a Christian on a summer camp in Wales. Lucy and Mike moved from the Cotswolds to Tunbridge Wells in 2019 with their three young children. Lucy loves running, baking and spending time with friends and family, including trips back to her childhood home of Whitby.

Jonny Watson - Parish Assistant

Jonny grew up in a Christian family and came through all the church groups. Despite this, it was only as a teenager that Jonny realised Jesus Christ actually existed. Jonny helps groups with their practical needs, thankful to God that he can continue to learn from God's Word and help other people teach and learn as well.

Naomi Vallely - Parish Safeguarding Officer

Naomi spent rather an idyllic childhood being brought up in a Gloucestershire rectory and always went to church as she grew up. She responded to teasing at school for being the Rector’s daughter by maintaining that just because following Jesus was part of her father’s job did not mean that it was anything to do with her! She fell further away during her university years and while living abroad, and only began to explore again when her eldest daughter was born, when she felt tremendous gratitude to God. She was hugely comforted about this lost time when her mother pointed out that the Lord was not going to let her go that easily! Naomi became a Christian when quite suddenly she realised that it is all true. Recently retired from TWGGS, she is married to Ian and they have three lovely daughters. She enjoys going on very long walks with friends and dogs, wildlife conservation, baking and, rather unsuccessfully, gardening!

Brian Wong - Cornhill Student

Brian was born in Leeds, grew up in Hong Kong and moved to the UK as a teenager. He attended the Christian meeting at his boarding school, where the gospel was explained clearly and faithfully. Whilst on a Christian summer camp, he surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. At university he was involved at a central London church and benefited immensely from its expository Bible teaching. He is delighted to be working with Internationals and youth at St John's, whilst carrying on his studies at Cornhill. Brian enjoys reading, swimming and spending time in museums.

PCC Members 2024-2025

James Akroyd, Andy Bradshaw, Stephen Boon (Clergy), Peter Brown, Charissa Buggs, Jono Chalklin (in attendance), Claudia Chambers, Liz Costain, Simon Curtis (Treasurer), John Finnis, Craig Hudson (in attendance), Monique London, John McLernon (Church warden), Tom Nash (Clergy), Nick Prideaux (PCC Lay Chairman), Stephen Rigby (Church warden), Ali Scoble, Andrew Smith, Helen Stone (PCC Secretary), Sue Taylor, Steven Tunstead, Hayley Watts, Dave Watson and Tony Whittome.


Contact us

For more information, please do get in touch with the Church office on 01892 540897
